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Thursday, 31 August 2017

Mountain View, California, Has Found Me

I was surprised as I saw visitor statistic provided by feedjit live that one of my loyal visitors, who comes from Mountain View in California, USA, just visited my blog. I was just updating the links in my blog at that time. She or he could find me. Cool! Thank you. It was very kind.

Due to expiry of my domain my blog “Private German - Deutsch Individuell” and every links which are connected to that domain cannot be accessed anymore. But, the visitor from Mountain View can find me again on my original address .

However, prior to the expired date I have announced this in my blog and gave the original address of my blog

But I worry that blog appearance in a hand phone doesn’t accommodate the information about my announcement. Blog appearance in a hand phone is not like the appearance in a computer, which is full. I just hope that my visitors, who always come from my domain , are not hopeless and just try to find me with another way.

My domain has expired on August 26th 2017 and the loyal reader from Mountain View just visited me on Sunday, August 27th 2017 at 21:12:19 West Indonesian Time. It was 7:12:19 San Francisco’s time (14 hours later from Jakarta). I assume Mountain View is in the same time zone with San Francisco, since these cities are in California.😄

Hm, I just imagined, that my loyal visitor just had breakfast in her or his nice house which has mountain view, drank a cup of coffee, visiting my blog. The weather was cool. It was just a beautiful Sunday morning. I hope that my blog makes her or him happy. Again, thank you for visiting my blog.

Of course I thank all my loyal visitors, whom I cannot mention individually. I think, not every visitor can be detected by feedjit live. On the other side Google gives me other statistic. From USA for example there were 39 visitors in the same week where Mountain View visitor was there. But on feedjit there was only 1 visitor from the USA. And it was the loyal visitor from Mountain View.

I am still updating the links in the whole blog. There are 122 texts which have been on . Now there are 37 texts, in which the links are already back to the original address . Most texts in my blog have 4 links.

Hopefully I can finish the updating soon. Apology for inconvenience caused.

Your blogger

You have read text 51.
Please read text 52: Hi, I am Here

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