Visited Places: Bahlburg, Beedenbostel, Betzendorf, Eisleben, Giessen, Hamburg, Harburg, Heidelberg, Herzberg am Harz, Hiddensee island, Luhdorf, Luhmuehlen, Lueneburg, Moellenbeck, Osterode, Putensen, Ruegen island, Salzhausen, Stuttgart, Tuebingen, Winsen an der Luhe.
Thanks to Mr Diedrich who had arranged the tourist visa for me. It took only 2 days. I just needed to pick up the visa on the next day.
So was the trip:
I stayed with family Diedrich in Luhmuehlen. The temperatur was 14 - 17 C. scale. Mrs Diedrich just needed that I introduce her Indonesia and take care of their sons Daniel and baby Carl, especially if she should take care of the horses. However, Tine (Mrs Diedrich) found it is not so effective if she learns Indonesian language, but she is still in Germany. She noticed that I had many friends everywhere in Germany, she just let me go visiting my friends.
I got new friends from the church. Every Sunday I joined the service at Johannis church in Salzhausen (-+ 1 km from Luhmuehlen). It was Marita who the first invited me to a coffee drink at her home in Salzhausen. We met each other at a Sunday school (church service for children). There were Christiane, Gabi and the reverend Heiner Frank.
Carole, whom I also met in the church, lived in the neighborhood in Luhmuehlen. What a surprise. She invited me to dine on grilled steak at her home. I met Reinhold, her husband, their daughters Amy & Alice. There were also Juergen & his wife Susanne, whom I already knew before. They lived next door to Carole. Juergen & Susanne invited me also to a grill on the other day.
Further there were Holger & June from the neighborhood, who invited me also to a dinner. June, Holger's wife, is an Indonesian. What a surprise! In a small village Luehmuhlen I could find an Indonesian. Christiane, a friend I knew from the Sunday school at the church in Salzhausen, invited me also to a coffee drink & dinner at her home in Garstedt.
These new friends were very friendly. They invited me not just for once, but often. Reinhold & family had once invited me to their family gathering & journey in Lopausee, which was ended in Betzendorf to play football: Betzendorf vs Lueneburg. It made a lot of fun.
It was a pleasure that I could visit my old and new friends, Indonesians & Germans, in Tuebingen, Stuttgart, Heidelberg, Giessen & Hamburg. They were Avi, Lely, Erwin, Faby, Faisal, Ilona & her friend Christiane, Betsie, family Diederich, the family of Dr Matthias Diederich, my previous lecturer at University of Indonesia, who was assigned to be my skripsi advisor. (skripsi is the paper as a final task, which should be prepared by students at universities in Indonesia to achieve their title)