... It's Roentgen, Not Ronsen?
A Conversation in A German Lesson
Pupil: I don't think I can do that.
... There Are Some Learning Materials You Can Use?
The young female doctor in Puskesmas Cengkareng (Puskesmas is a state small clinic, which spread out in districts in Indonesia) looked at me strangely as she heard me saying Roentgen with German pronunciation. Then she confirmed, "ronsen!" We just spoke about a result of Roentgen photo. Of course, I didn't have time to "teach" her German at that time, how to pronounce the umlaut o. We, Indonesian, don't know this German sound. But it is strange why "roentgen" is pronounced [ronsen]. Why does [g] become [s]? It is difficult for us to say the umlaut o [oe], but we still can say [g]. Therefore the possible Indonesian pronunciation of "roentgen" would be [ron-gen] or [ronggen], because it is also difficult for us, Indonesian, to pronounce 3 consonants [ntg] respectively.
As I worked in KarstadtQuelle Jakarta, I have once asked my German boss, whether my pronunciation of [roentgen] is right. He confirmed then my right pronunciation [roentgen]. So, it is not [ronsen].
The original German alphabet for this umlaut [oe] is described by "o" with two dots on it. But if such alphabet is not available in your computer, you may describe it by "oe".
Further, if you speak about Prof. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen, the finder of X ray, with a German, she or he wouldn't understand whom you are talking about, if you pronounce his name [ronsen].
(the umlaut o in his name "Roentgen" is originally described by the original German alphabet of umlaut o)
How can you produce this umlaut o? Please say [e], then hold your tongue. With this tongue position then please round your lips and say [o], that will sound [oe], the umlaut o.
Now, you know how to pronounce the following cities in Germany: Koeln, Goettingen, Goeppingen. (all umlauts o of those 3 cities are described by the original German alphabet of umlaut o)
... The Unity of Alphabets e and i Describes Diphthong ai?
A female reverend just mentioned the name of the famous German physicist, Albert Einstein, in her sermon. She pronounced it [einstein] not [ainstain]. After the Sunday service finished, I asked her why she didn't pronounce it rightly. She knew the right pronunciation, because she had taken a German course at Goethe-Institut. She answered that she just didn't want to do that. It is strange. To pronounce [ainstain] is easier than to pronounce [roentgen].
The other reverend was different. This young male reverend likes to learn. As he pronounced the name of the famous German reverend, theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was against Hitler at that time; he asked me how the right pronunciation is. I told him and he tried to pronounce it rightly.
The other reverend was different. This young male reverend likes to learn. As he pronounced the name of the famous German reverend, theologian and martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was against Hitler at that time; he asked me how the right pronunciation is. I told him and he tried to pronounce it rightly.
If you find the alphabet e and i together in German words, the pronunciation should be [ai], because they describe the diphthong ai.
Now, you know how to pronounce the following cities in Germany: Freiburg, Heidelberg, Hildesheim, Mannheim.
... Nouns Have 3 Kinds of Gender?
A Conversation in A German Lesson
What? Nouns have gender? Chair is masculine, flower is feminine, and book is neutral? It is strange. I just heard that nouns have gender.
That is so in German. But, no need to worry. You like the language, you will have fun in learning that. Try to learn 2 nouns of each gender including the plural form, everyday. Then you will be amazed there are so many nouns you have learnt.
Pupil: I don't think I can do that.
Don't say that. Try first what I told you, then we'll see whether you can do that or you can't. Besides, it is an interesting thing you never knew before. I'm sure you will learn it with pleasure, Think of this: you want to study in Germany. Isn't it your dream? Now, open the next page and we will hear a German song.
... There Are Some Learning Materials You Can Use?
Study Books
Here some good books you can use for learning German: Studio d, Passwort Deutsch, Themen Aktuell. Usually there are course books, exercise books and test books.
You can also visit this Schubert publisher and try to do the provided exercises online. Interesting.
Need an online dictionary? Please visit this Hueber dictionary.Please read text 7: Interesting Experience in Germany
Back to text 5: Scholarship
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