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Friday, 16 November 2012

Kommst Du am Freitag mit ins Theater?

It is problematic if the fact doesn't match the theory. This always happens if we just discuss trennbare Verben (separable verbs). My students asked me why the prefix mit isn't at the end of the sentence in this following sentence: 
Kommst du am Freitag mit ins Theater?
(Do you /Will you join to the theatre on Friday?)

Trennbare Verben are verbs which consist of prefix and basic verb. The prefix should be put at the end of the sentence. It is put separate from the basic verb.

The verb of the above-mentioned sentence is mitkommen. This verb belongs to trennbare Verben. Mitkommen consists of mit (the prefix) and kommen (the basic verb). Therefore mit should be put at the end of the sentence and the sentence should be:

Kommst du am Freitag ins Theater mit?

This topic is in the course book studio d A1, Unit 5, Chapter 6.

I am not German mother tongue speaking teacher. Sometimes I didn't find any answers to several questions which are raised during my classes, although I have tried to find them from my books. Therefore I am happy if the Germans help me. 

Since I was always asked and I found it not good of the course book because there is no explanation regarding this case, I just tried to contact the publisher.

Here the comments of two friendly experts:

1. Ms Duden (not the real name):
You are right, the grammar theory states that prefix of trennbare Verben is put at the end of the sentence. In this modern language there is a tendency, that the prefix is put nearer to the basic verb if there is a prepositional phrase. The reason of putting such sentences in our learning materials is that we try to document the authentic language.

2. Ms Langenscheidt (not the real name):
The sentence Kommst du am Freitag mit ins Theater? is right. The sentence Kommst du am Freitag ins Theater mit? is correct. In the grammar there is always anomaly from the theory. It makes not easy for learners to learn a language.

You have read text 19.
Please read text 20: Good Bye, Mr Haug!

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