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Thursday, 6 July 2017

Bella Should Know That

My pupil Kevin (not the real name) was just on the way home as I already arrived in his house. He played football with his friends before. A few minutes later Kevin was home. There was still time for him to shower before the course started. 😊

Kevin was ready for the course, however he asked his house maid to get fried vermicelli for both of us. Wow, the Master of Nanotechnology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA invited me to have lunch. It was so nice of you, Kevin. Thank you very much. 😊

Now, time for learning. The topic was time. Kevin should read this dialogue:

Friend: Hallo, Anja! Gehen wir zusammen ins Kino?
Anja: Ja, gern, wann denn?

Friend: Morgen Abend?
(Possibility 1) Ja, das geht.
(Possibility 2) Nein, das geht nicht. Morgen kann ich nicht.

For possibility 2 there should be continued:
Friend: Und am Freitag?
Anja: Freitag ist gut.

Finish with all possibilities, the dialogue continues:
Friend: Um wie viel Uhr treffen wir uns?
Anja: Um sieben?
Friend: Okay, tschüss bis dann!

Bella Swan & Edward Cullen - Twilight
Then Kevin should try to practice this dialogue and change the days and time: morgen, morgen Abend, Freitag, um sieben. Because this is a private course I must take the role as the dialogue partner. I suggested him to use other names, so that it would be more relaxing. Since I just saw one of the film series of “Twilight Saga” a few days before, then I proposed the names of Edward Cullen and Bella Swan. Kevin agreed. 😊 He was Edward and I was Bella. 😊

After several times practicing Kevin should try also to change the place. So: ”ins Kino” should be replaced with some options which are already given in the course book. Kevin was free to choose: in den Park, in die Oper, ins Konzert, in die Disko, etc.. This kind of practice is good to improve the pronunciation and conversation.

Not only reading and changing the conversation, Kevin should also try to prepare a small dialogue about time, like daily schedule, time arrangement and appointment making. There are some interesting topics given.

Finish with the dialogue Kevin should try to practice it. And again I must take the role as the dialogue partner. Kevin chose again the names of Edward and Bella. 😊

It was Bella’s turn to speak: “Wann stehst du morgens auf? (What time do you wake up in the morning?)”
Kevin smiled and gave a different answer instead: “Bella should know what time Edward wakes up” 😉

Oh, oh. Kevin, you just teased your teacher. 😉

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