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Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Goodbye, Mr Haug!

Dear Mr Haug,

You cannot read this letter anymore, you never can. I was so surprised and sad as I read Ilona's email on December 11th.: You already passed away 3 years ago. I just remembered what Emeritus Rev. Asworo Pireno, one of priests in our church, GKI Seroja, said: "We have the chance to love our neighbors only if they are still alive. It isn't worth, if we make the grave of one of our neighbors beautiful or often visit her or his grave; but as the person was alive, we just treated her or him badly."

I am very sorry. In my last visit in Germany I would have made time to visit you. On May 2nd. 2006, you would be happy to welcome me, because the time was suitable for you. Ilona told me that on our way from Stuttgart to Bodelshausen. Unfortunately the time was too short for Ilona since she had something to do with the teens group.

However, on May 3rd. I was for the whole day in Stuttgart. If I just had called you and asked whether you would fit me in, although it were not the suitable time anymore. I have thought about it, but I didn't try that. But repentance always comes later. Now I repent it.

It makes me feel better, since I have called you on May 4th. at the Stuttgart train station, before I continued my trip to Greven. And on May 11th. I have called you again. I was at the Frankfurt airport, would go back to Indonesia. It was in fact my last telephone call. It was in fact our last telephone conversation.

I am very sorry, I couldn't make it to often write you a letter as a way "to love neighbors as long as they are alive". Just in last October I could make it. Then I just remember to check your address first, because we haven't been corresponding for the last several time. Unfortunately the result was bad news.

I cannot forget you and your kindnesses, how you have helped me during the last step of my study at the UI. I like to think of your and your wife's kindly entertaining during my stay in Germany. I still keep everything from you: 3 Bibles, 25 post cards (many of them are cards of cities in Germany), 26 letters, 2 books, 2 magazines, 5 Christmas cards, a Pterodactylus silver necklace from Museum am Loewentor, and 6 in Indonesian written books.

On December 29th. 2002 you have given me pocket money, so that I would further enjoy my stay in Germany. But I took the money with me back to Indonesia and from that money I just bought books. The cashier thought if I were a student of a Faculty of Theology.:-) They are: a book about Lea, 2 books of Bible encyclopedia, 3 books of exegesis. I am sure I have written about it to you.

Dear Mr Haug,

I cannot write you a letter anymore. You are completely not there anymore. But in Christ thank God's mercy we will see each other as it stated in 1 Thessalonians 4: 14, 16-17:
We believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will take back with Jesus those who have died believing in him....Those who have died believing in Christ will rise to life first; then we who are living at that time will be gathered up along with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air....
 (NT in Today's English + NT in heutigem Deutsch, Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, 1984)
Warm regards in Christ' love.

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